5L ss insitu fermenter system
Now, discuss about fermentation process in detail. and we will also discuss about the nutrient medium and also the process how the insitu fermentation will be done . and about the nutrient medium which is mainly required for this car plantation fermentation is a process or a metabolic process which converts primary metabolites into secondary metabolites. so the primary metabolites will get converted into secondary metabolites by performing this in situ fermentation system in processs . so this is only the main aim of the fermentation so what is the main aim of the fermentation the conversion of primary metabolites into secondary metabolites. so the primary metabolites may include sugars nothing but the carbohydrates right so that sugars which are in the form of carbohydrates will get converted into acids gases and even alcohols. so here acids includes you know like citric acid glutamic acid and like all type of organic acids includes this acid section whereas this gas is nothing but methane gas. which is mainly used for hotel purposes and all cause like beer and wine so these are the type of secondary metabolites which are mainly obtained from the sugars. right and this fermentation process is mainly used for the production of alcohols acids biofuels biogas etc ..
so each of their each of them has their different role which plays a major role for our human resources. so enough here set you that the sugars will get converted into as it’s gases and all calls that something but where the primary metabolite will get converted into the secondary metabolites. and for this conversion the nutrient medium is highly required for the process of this fermentation.

Types Of Bioreactor
Different Types Of Fermenters

What is Industrial Scale Fermenter?

nutrient medium is nothing but which mainly help sin the development of the bacteria and here in the case of sugars we can also add bacteria also.
for example, if you take lactic acid this lactic acid is produced by the lactic acid bacteria so here the primary metabolites will be lactic acid bacteria which mainly produces lactic acid has a secondary metabolite. and for the conversion nutrient medium is required not only for the conversion of lactic acid for any type of Convergys either it may be acid gases are all Cohoes nutrient medium is highly required. and this nutrient medium includes water carbohydrates oils and fats growth factors but first and oxygen. so let us discuss about each of them in detail or later so firstly let us complete about this fermentation process.
and the material which are mainly present in the fermenter which is mainly used for the process of the fermentation our temperature controller. so temperature controller is nothing but which is mainly used to control the temperature for different type of different type of production of secondary metabolites different temperature is required so the temperature can be controlled by the temperature controller right and coming to the next – one second one electricity. electricity is also required but don’t forget to remember that the generator should be connected to the main power main goal because if the electricity power will cut then then the then the formation of the secondary metabolites does not occur properly so the generator should be connected to the main board and. next third one adequate aeration adequate aeration and agitation adequate aeration is nothing but proper supply of the oxygen the oxygen should be supplied to the to the fermentation tank. such that it can convert the primary metabolism converted into secondary metabolites properly. so without supply of oxygen then there will be noninversion of primary metabolic center secondary metabolites such that the products cannot be obtained.
that means that the fermentation process does not occur if the oxygen is not supplied properly so there will be an inlet in the fermentation tank . and through that Inlet we are going to supply the oxygen and the diagram of the fermentation tank information fermentation tank will be explained you and next fourth one pH controller.
The pH is also be controlled externally we can control the pH and even internal so we can can we can control this pH so have let us see enough and 51 is neutral medium I have said is a neutral medium plays a major and vital role in this fermentation where it mainly helps in the conversion of these sugars into alcohol acids and gases. so now let us discuss about the detail about detail information on this nutrient medium on each of them. so enough let us discuss about the nutrient media which is mainly used for the process of fermentation .
coming to the first one water water acts as major component of the nutrient media which plays a major and vital role in the fermentation process and this water is mainly used for vaporization process. and these vapors mainly helps mainly helps the conversion of this primary metabolites in the secondary metabolites and cleaning the fermentation tanks . this water is mainly used to clean the fermentation tank. so, why it should be cleaned because – to prevent the contamination of the bacteria for example if you are providing any type of bacteria like Aspergillus Niger or a , lactic acid bacteria ,those bacteria cannot get contaminated once the cleaning of that fermentation tank will be done. and that one is Lindsay so these are the main purposes of the water such that the water place our major bio major and vital role of the in the newton media for the fermentation process.
coming to the second on what I have said you carbohydrates. so this carbohydrates includes maize cassava cereals potatoes mild that’s nothing but the barley and here we can also take this carboy edits in the form of sucrose from the sugarcane as well as the sugar beet.

What Is Pilot Scale Fermenter?
We Have comment the 61 oxygen so oxygen plays a major and vital role in this fermentation and here once the oxygen is not supplied then the fermentation process will not be done how let us enough. this firstly why why this oxygen is used this position is used for the fast metabolism of the for the fast metabolism to obtain the product and once the oxygen content will get decreased or else if you put if you inject no amount of oxygen if you through the inlet then high oxygen demand will occur inside the fermentation tank. which is shortly said as maturity and once this high oxygen demand will be done then the fermentation process will not be done so in this way the oxygen placed are major and vital role in this fermentation process. so now let us see the steps ofthe fermentation. so enough let us seethe steps which are included in this fermentation so how the sub fermentation process will be done so firstly what you are going to do is that you are going to select a particular type of microorganism strains. for example if you want to produce lactic acid you can take lactic acid bacteria right and if you want to produce citric acid . you can take Aspergillus Niger so it is where you are going to take this particular bacteria which produces particular type of organic acids so you are going to select a particular strains of the organism and you are going to inoculate them in the fermentation tank and now what you are going to do is that firstly the fermentation tank should be cleaned and this fermentation tank is called as fermenter and it is also called as bioreactor don’t get confused and now what you are going to do is that you are going to clean the fermentation with the water I have said you that the water plays a major and vital role to prevent the contamination of the microorganisms which are going to insertion this fermentation tank. so you are going to wash it and after washing then you are going to you are going to add these microorganisms into this fermentation tank or as a bioreactor tank . and then along with these microorganisms you are also going to add the nutrient medium right as I have said to the nutrient medium Ingram’s water carbohydrates lipids and fats growth factors buffers and oxygen this oxygen lay some major and vital role don’t forget to supply the oxygen and his oxygen will be supplied through oxygen Inlet there is oxygen and LED so if you see the diagram then you can understand so this will be the diagram of a bioreactor tank or as a fermentation tank. so if you see here this is the agitation system agitation system is nothing but it consists of a motor and inside it cuts off a blades so this blades plays a major and vital role to convert primary metabolites into the secondary metabolites and that primary metabolites will be he will be inserted into this fermentation tank. by this pipe this is called as feeding pump and through this feeding pump you are going to add the primary metabolites and even you are going to add the nutrient medium. here the medium box is present right so slowly this medium will be introduced into this into this fermentation tank along with these primary metabolites of your interest and now what you are going to do this is the oxygen Inlet. I have said you write oxygen plays a major and vital role right so from here oxygen will beintroduced into this fermentation tank. and here it now this tank consists ofnutrient medium along with the primarymetabolites and now we are going toswitch on this fermentation tank. suchthat the flat blades which are presentinside this tank starts rotating becauseof this motor which is present in theagitation system and now you are goingto control the temperature and alongwith the temperature you are also goingto control the pH and that we are goingto rotate these flat blades be the powerwhether by using this electricity andthen after a particular period of timethe primary metabolites will getconverted into the secondary metabolitesso enough that secondary metabolites will get produced out through thisoutlet and now we are going to switch onthe tab andwe’ll get switched on . and then this allof the secondary metabolites , which hasbeen produced will come out through thisoutlet and not this outlet you know youare going to take all of the cigarettemetaphor it’s from this outlet andyou’re going to purify them and you aregoing to filtrate them and once youfilled it and purified then the pureform of the secondary metabolite will beobtained so this is the this will be theabout the diagram of the bioreactor tank. so after the fermentation process whatwill happen.

soall of this will be taken in the juiceform or else in the powder form nothingwill happen and these carbohydrates arenothing but the glucose right which weare going to take this nutrients in theform of glucose. and come into the thirdone oils and fats and it’s oils and fatsact as anti-foaming agents such thatonce the fermentation process is goingon such that the form doesn’t occursonly when there is a presence of oilsome facts in this nutrient medium thisoils in fact doesn’t develop the forminside the fermentation tank. hence theseare called as anti-foaming agents rightthese are called as anti-foaming agentsand his oils and fats includes vegetableoils like olive oil may soil cottonseedoil so I have been oil etc so all ofthese are the carbon sources and evennitrogen sources can also be taken likeammonia gas ammonium salts nitratesproteins ureaso these are the nitrogen sources socarbon sources as well as the nitrogensources includes in this files and facts. and these carbohydrates and all incertain facts will be comes will comesout of the classification of energysources.
and of coming to the fourth onegrowth factors so growth factors aremainly used for the development of abacteria. so I have said you know in theplace of the primary metabolites we aregoing to take the bacteria for theproduction of a particular type oforganic acids right so the developmentof the bacteria should be done such thatis such that the number of the bacteriawill get increased so this growthfactors includes vitamins amino acidsSatya Stevenson biotene.
and that’scoming to the fifth one buffers and herethese buffers are mainly used to controlthe pH value. and I have said you in theI have said you in the materials of thisfermentation fermentation what I havesaid you in the fourth one that there isa presence of the pH controller this canbe controlled pH externally. in theinternally the Newton medium which weare going to add in the form of a bufferthis scene also control the pH value. andwhat are the buffers which are going totake in this nutrient medium are calciumcarbonate phosphates sodium hydroxidesulfuric acid h2so4 .
so these are thebuffers which are going to take in theform of a nutrient media to undergo theprocess of fermentation.
the product will be obtainedthere which is unpure in form rightthrough the outlet of the fermenter theproduct will be obtained with thisunpure in form and during the process ofthe fermentation you are also going toadd the substrates or supplements andmaximum disturb the substrates andsupplements will be added for theproduction of the alcohols okay and youare going to obtain the product this isunclear in form so to make this productto get purer form you are going toperform filtration as well as ifpurification process and once youperform this filtration and purification.
then the final product will be obtainedwhich is pure in form and then they willbe stored and reserved and it will bepacked in the bottles and will besupplied in the markets and thesemarkets will supply this all of thisbodies to the public so enough this isabout the steps which are included inthe fermentation .
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